Case Study Anger

Location: EMO | Hannover

Case Study Anger

Location: EMO Hannover

Case Study

Extremely heavy exhibit machineries (over 5 t each) had to be first of all integrated in the stand design and secondly had to be put-together on site.


The enormous machines weight was limiting our teams during setup-phase. Three major issues had to be managed by our technical department: the placement of the exhibitor’s huge machines on the correct pre-assigned location before our team started the build-up phase, the set-up by our team of hanging structure running along the whole perimeter of the booth while having the machines already installed on the floor and finally, the co-working of exhibitor’s and our teams during the set up days.


An extremely accurate coordination schedule had to be arranged between the client’s and our technical teams. A tight and meticulous teamwork was established with exhibitor Anger and co-exhibitors in order to exploit correctly each installation slots during the build-up phase. 

The impeccable teamwork and coordination resulted in a very successful stand.